Do you worry, "What if I never get it done?" or "What if I die and never wrote my book?" Or do you hear an Inner voice constantly telling you, "WHO do you think you are," or "You are not an author." Sometimes you even feel you afraid you really don't have anything to say, or that what you have to say is stupid, too out there, or not valuable. Maybe you feel totally overwhelmed by all the moving parts of creating and publishing a book, and all the options and decisions to make. You wonder how you can ever find the time in your busy life. Yet at a deeper level you know that's just an excuse. This book so close to your heart... so deep, raw and vulnerable that you don't know what you would do if people didn't like it. |
Get your "great work" out into the world
you have a deeply important book that you are ready to birth
I'm Katie Curtin,and am a best-selling author, multi-disciplinary artist, activist, and book coach. I believe that we need all the creativity and innovation we can muster to create a more just, sustainable and beautiful world. I started book coaching as I felt that a book can be an outstanding vehicle for changemakers and social innovators to get their deepest work out to a broader audience. I know what it's like to have a book inside you and to have massive writers block, or just never seem to have the time or resources to get it done. Over the years I figured out how to move through these challenges and write the books that I feel called to write. Yes, the fears and doubts, and stumbling blocks still show up, but I've learned how to not let them stop me. More importantly, I've learned how to help others get their deepest work out of their heads and onto the page. |
I can help you every step of the way to get your book created, published and promoted, whether you are still at the idea phase, or have partially written your book and are at a stalemate. I can guide you with choices about how to create and publish a successful book in today's complex marketplace, and have close contacts in the book writing and publishing industry who I draw on, depending on your needs. My strengths include helping you reach crystal clarity about your book's message, create a clear structure for your book, and creating accountability structures that work for you, as well as clearing any internal blocks to greater visibility and success. I have an outside the box approach, which means all the work I do with you is uniquely tailored to who you are and what works best for you. (Link to Programs page)
- you are creative and innovative, and have many talents, passions and interests
- you like to do things "outside the box," and are not afraid to "rock the boat" - you are an action-taker who is deeply committed to making a difference - you love the arts, adventure, travel, farmers markets and sustainable living, bookstores and good conversations Explore the programs I offer, take a peek at what my clients say about me, and tell us what you need. Ready to commit the time and resources to FINALLY get your book done, click the link below to schedule a complimentary "Get Your Book Created and Published" Strategy Session. |
* Clarify how to create a book which will get your ideas out to a large audience * Find out the essential elements for creating a quality best-selling book in your niche * Uncover the #1 thing blocking you from writing or publishing your book * Identify the most powerful actions to propel you forward * Complete the consultation feeling you know EXACTLY what to do next to get your book done |